How to leave in the Tropics in all serenity?

It is enough to prepare and organize its travel from 1 to 3 months before the departure to update

  • vaccinations, preventive medications, curatives,
  • visas, passports, the insurances repatriations, cover disease,
  • the drug first-aid kit of comfort for the flight,
  • sunglasses for all the family to standards EC,
  • hats, clothing out of cotton with meshs tightened for your children, sandals,
  • glasses of sight of help in the plane if you carry lenses,
  • condoms to nonout-of-date standards NF…

The consultation in the attending physician is essential:

  • for a health evaluation
  • for the checking of your notebook of vaccination concerning the update of usual vaccinations (diphteria, tetanus, poliomyelitis and possibly whooping-cough and measles)

Your doctor of the international center of vaccination will prescribe you a protocol of vaccinations while taking into account

  • your destination
  • your pathologies
  • your place and duration of stay, conditions of accommodation…
  • your age and those of your children

A preventive medication against paludism will be prescribed to you with the repulsive ones

  • stay in zone at the risk, it will be adapted in your health status and your usual treatments.
  • Not to forget to specify your tourist excursions on rivers, islands
  • Your excursions in rural areas and/or forest

Your usual treatments will be prescribed in sufficient quantity for the stay and will be kept in their packing to avoid any confusion
Curative treatments urgently will be prescribed and adapted to your needs
The consultation in your dentist is recommended for a basic control

Your pharmacist will advise you the case of the emergency care and comfort to be carried.

  • on all the solar ranges to prepare your bronzing in full safety
  • advices to travel by plane in greatest comfort
  • on the choice of repulsive and their mode of application
  • on the kits of impregnation for a maximum protection against the arboviroses and first aid in the event of bites, of wounds… insolation…
  • products of decontamination of water, the products D (hygiene of the hands and the body)

Your pharmacist will exempt your ordinances to you by recommending the respect of posologies to you and of the follow-up of your treatments of prevention and will inform you jet lags.
Do not hesitate to consult your pharmacist to obtain his recommendations.